Sunday 10 May 2015

Ilsa, Harem Keeper of the Oil Sheiks (1976) Don Edmonds

Finding a new employer, and looking not a day older since the end of World War II, Ilsa works for an Arab sheik who enjoys importing females to use as sex slaves. An American millionaire’s daughter, a movie star, and an attractive equestrian are among his latest victims.
Dyanne Thorne is at her campy (and sultry) finest in this second installment of the Ilsa series, delivering juicy dialogue with tongue firmly planted in cheek. Kudos also go to Victor Alexander, who plays the degenerate Sheik El Sharif to the hilt, as well as C.D. Lafleur for his hilarious Henry Kissinger impersonation. Lest anyone should think this is a comedy, well, it is, sorta… It’s also one of the most over the top sleaze fests you’ll ever witness. As the old saying goes, they don’t make ’em like this anymore. As Harem Keeper begins, we find Ilsa at the head of a white slave ring where her primary duty is to train innocent young girls for service in the lecherous El Sharif’s harem. When she’s not instructing recruits on proper “tongue” technique, Ilsa also busies herself adding to her stable of eunuchs with the help of her lesbian henchwomen, Satin and Velvet. Yes, Ilsa is your classic man-hater, but the frigid ice goddess soon melts in the arms of the studly American diplomat, who’s actually a spy intent on overthrowing the sheik’s corrupt government. But let’s not let trivial details such as story get in the way of a great performance by Ms. Thorne, who shifts between wicked witch and giggly schoolgirl with ease. Marvel as Ilsa succumbs to her own lustful desires and falls under the spell of some good ol’ fashioned “manpower!” Think of it as an adult comic book come to life, full of hardcore gore (at least by 70s standards) and softcore sex, and enjoy it for what is is – trashy exploitation at its best.

Ilsa, Harem Keeper of the Oil Sheiks (1976) part 1

Ilsa, Harem Keeper of the Oil Sheiks (1976) part 2

1 comment:

  1. Mrhb ben turan kayseriden 175 boyundayim 35 yas 70 kilodayim minyon tipli yaşımı gostermeyen insancıl vede olgun biriyimdir Uzun süreli sadık samimi bir dost bir arkadaş vede bir sırdaş iliski kurabilecegim benim gibi düşününen Kayserili bir bayanla bu adımı atmak vede başlamak istiyorum amaç her ne olursa olsun yalansız vede samimiyetin önemli bir yeri olmasını isterim arayisim daldan dala konan bir arkadadlik değildir sadece bir kişiyle konuşup ne yaşayacaksak onunla yaşamak ne paylaşacaksan onunla paylaşmak istiyorum gizlilik güven samimiyet güvenle bana ulaşabilirsiniz 05523367078


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